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If American Airlines changes your schedule, here’s how to get a refund

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Michelle Couch-Friedman

Consumer reporter and ombudsman

Can American Airlines make wild changes to your flight schedule and, if you object, refuse to issue a refund? 

With $8,171 on the line, that’s what Michael Spanel wants to know after his recent experience with American Airlines. 

He booked four tickets from Richmond, Virginia to Athens, Greece, with a connection in Philadelphia. When he discovered by accident that American Airlines had significantly changed the flight schedule, he asked for a refund. But the airline swiftly rejected his request and gave him an $8,171 flight credit instead. 

Now Michael is asking the Consumer Rescue team for help. He wants American Airlines to give his money back, and he’s hoping we can make that happen. 

So what is a passenger really owed when American Airlines changes their flight schedule? Let’s find out.

Booking flights for a spring vacation to Greece

In November, as days were getting shorter and the air was turning chilly, Michael and his wife turned their thoughts to the warm islands of Greece. 

“We thought we would get a jump on airfare increases for next spring,” Michael told me. “So I checked, and it seemed that the best fare and flight schedule round trip would be on American Airlines.” 

Michael booked the four tickets for his family for a total cost of $8,171. A few minutes later, American Airlines sent him a confirmation of the flights. He scanned the details and confirmed that the dates of travel and names of all the passengers were correct. 

They were all set.

Next, the family happily set about planning the rest of the details for their late spring vacation. 

The trip was coming together very well.

Until, suddenly, it wasn’t.

Surprise! American Airlines changed the flight schedule (in a big way)

About a month later, Michael signed into his American Airlines account to check their trip’s seat assignments. That’s when he got a shock. The itinerary now bore little resemblance to the one he had booked weeks earlier. 

American Airlines had changed the flights so that now we were connecting through New York City. That wouldn’t have been so bad, but these changes American Airlines expected us to accept included a ground connection. They had us landing in LaGuardia from Richmond, and then our flight to Athens took off from JFK.

Michael S.

That’s right. The new schedule changes included an American Airlines flight to LaGuardia connecting to an international flight at JFK – miles away. 

For those unfamiliar with New York City – those 11 miles cover some of the most traffic-filled highways in Queens.

American Airlines changed the family's flight schedule to include a land connection between two airports in New York City. This graphic shows the distance between JFK and LGA airports.
The ridiculous schedule change that American Airlines created for the family included a ground connection that the airline expected the family to arrange for themselves (with their luggage).

Not only did American Airlines make this troublesome change to the family’s itinerary without telling them, but there was also no explanation for how Michael, his family and all their luggage should make this unusual ground connection. 

The travel time between the two airports can fluctuate from 40 minutes or so – to an hour or more depending on the time of day and number of vehicles on the road. 

FYI, there are no free shuttles between the airports, and a metered taxi costs between $40-$50, depending on traffic. But the price of this inconvenience could not be measured and certainly was not how the family wanted to start their Greek adventure. 

Asking American Airlines about a refund for this unusual schedule change

I immediately called American Airlines and told the customer rep this schedule change was unacceptable. She agreed that it was an unreasonable change and that I could get a full refund. We discussed the possibility of the flight change being temporary and if I should wait a few days before canceling the flight entirely. She assured me the refund had no time limit up until 24 hours before departure, so I could wait almost indefinitely. Based on that, I decided to wait a few more days.

Note: It’s important to point out here that what Michael says the American Airlines representative told him is not correct. After a passenger becomes aware of a schedule change, if they don’t ask for a cancellation and refund, the alteration becomes permanent with the same terms and conditions as the original flight. 

In this case, Michael only waited a few more days before he decided to rebook a more reasonable flight with Delta and cancel the American Airlines flight. 

“The American Airlines agent assured me I would get a full refund,” Michael told me. “So we canceled and booked the Delta.”

Michael was pleased to have the situation corrected and relieved not to have to worry about making a mad dash across Queens to try to make a connecting flight.  

But a new, more troubling problem was just about to begin – an $8,171 problem.

American Airlines: The schedule change is less than four hours, so no refund

The very next day, Michael received the disturbing news from American Airlines that it rejected his refund request. 

American Airlines formally rejects the family's refund request for the canceled flight with the unusual schedule change. This rejection goes directly against American Airlines' current policy.
The American Airlines Passenger Refunds department did not do the math correctly — this schedule change added over 5 hours to the itinerary and included an unusual ground connection.

Michael tried to appeal his complaint with American Airlines but received no response. 

With his $8,171 in jeopardy, Michael turned to the Consumer Rescue advocacy team for help.

Does American Airlines owe this passenger a refund for the schedule change?

When Michael’s case landed in my inbox, it was just a few days before Christmas. This problem was weighing heavily on his mind, and I hoped to be able to put a quick and successful end to his battle.

Reading through his paper trail, I was certain that his refund had been rejected in error, but when I reached the last paragraph, my confidence sank.

In his frustration about American Airlines’ refusal to refund his cash, Michael had made a mistake – but one that many troubled consumers make.

For the time being, I am contacting my credit card company, telling them I dispute payment for the tickets. As you know, this is a stop-gap action to ensure I am not charged interest on the $8,100 while the dispute is being investigated.


Yikes! I quickly responded to Michael and warned him not to dispute this charge. 

Warning: Credit card chargebacks should always be a last resort

A credit card dispute often leads to more significant problems for the troubled customers who file them. That is especially true if the chargeback is filed too soon before the company has a chance to correct the issue.

I would venture to say that most consumers do not understand that a credit card dispute only ends their credit card company’s involvement in the problem. Even if you win the chargeback, the merchant involved is free to pursue you in any legal way they see fit to recover the debt. 

Worse, credit card companies do not investigate cases in the manner that our advocacy team does, so the rate of loss is high for the consumer if the merchant provides any response to the complaint. 

I have seen many situations over the years in which the consumer was correct but still lost the chargeback. And, of course, there are many cases in which the consumer won the dispute but ended up in collections.

Consumer Rescue agrees: American Airlines owes you a refund.

Luckily I caught Michael in time for him to put the brakes on his credit card dispute. I was now confident that we could fix this the right way, directly with American Airlines. 

It was clear that the American Airlines agent who reviewed Michael’s refund request had not considered several things. The schedule change American Airlines had imposed took off three hours earlier than the previous flight. It landed nearly two hours past the original arrival time. Of course, it also added that unusual and unacceptable ground connection in New York. 

I assumed an artificial intelligence bot had automatically rejected Michael’s refund request (or a mathematically-challenged human). 

So I sent Michael’s case to a real executive at American Airlines. That person is someone who I know cares about the airline’s customers. 

Asking American Airlines to refund this passenger for his schedule change

Hi ****!

…A few days ago, Michael received an alert from American Airlines about a significant flight change. American Airlines changed his connection airport to LGA instead of Philly, and then the international flight takes off from JFK! So he canceled the tickets expecting a refund (he says he was assured on the phone by an AA representative that this change would qualify for a refund). 

But now he just received a notification that he only qualifies for flight credit because the change in the arrival time to Athens is only two hours. This response seems to ignore the fact that the new flight schedule takes off 3 hours earlier, lands 2 hours later AND involves this family finding some way to easily transfer between LGA and JFK with their luggage (obviously not an easy task). This new suggested itinerary adjusts their flight schedule by 5 hours. 

Would you be able to have your team take another look at this case? The family would like a refund from American Airlines, not a flight credit. Thank you!😊

Michelle to American Airlines

American Airlines sends the good news!

As I expected, as soon as a crew of humans had a look at Michael’s complaint, there was good news.

Very good news. 

American Airlines reviewed the details of his schedule change and determined that the refund request was rejected in error.

Thank you so much for making this happen, Michelle! You really saved me a lot of time, energy and aggravation. 

Have a wonderful and safe Christmas!

Michael S.

You’re welcome, Michael! This is exactly why Consumer Rescue is here.😊

Here’s what you need to know about American Airlines schedule changes

Unfortunately, the pandemic inspired some policy changes within the airline industry that are unarguably unfriendly to passengers. Most of those policies, which were initially presented as temporary, appear permanent. 

Many airlines adopted new guidelines for the length of time of a delay before a customer can qualify for a refund. American Airlines is one of those carriers. Here’s what you need to know about schedule changes for your next American Airlines flight..

  • Three hours is the magic number (Update): Since this article was initially published the U.S. Department of Transportation issued new guidelines forcing American Airlines to change its policy. As of October 2024, American Airlines now identifies a three-hour schedule change as the magic number for domestic flights (A four-hour delay remains the number for international flights). If the airline changes your itinerary in a way that increases your travel time by three or more hours domestically for any individual flight, American Airlines will approve your refund if you choose to cancel. But…
  • A 90-minute delay at the airport:  If you’re at the airport ready to go and American Airlines delays your flight by more than 90 minutes, and you decide to skip the trip, you are eligible for a refund. But keep in mind that is the extent of the airline’s responsibility to you in the United States. You won’t be owed reimbursement for a hotel, car rental, or alternative flights to your destination. However, if you decide to ride out the delay, the contract of carriage of your airline may provide food and beverage vouchers. Hotel vouchers may be offered if the delay extends overnight. Check your airline’s contract of carriage for its policy.
  • Reject unreasonable changes: A passenger is under no obligation to accept an itinerary change that will require a land transfer which the airline is not providing. Regardless of the number of hours a schedule change involves, if it includes unreasonable components (like a connection between two airports miles apart), you can reject the update and request a refund. 
  • A canceled flight always qualifies for a refund: When American Airlines cancels your flight, it owes you a refund if you want one. But it might automatically send you a new itinerary that may or may not fit into your plans. Before accepting the replacement flight, make sure you agree to the new itinerary because you won’t be able to change your mind later. If in doubt, ask for a refund so you can rebook an itinerary of your choice. We know that sometimes an airline might imply that you’ll receive a voucher if you don’t accept the new suggested replacement flight. As much as the airlines might wish this to be true, it isn’t. 

Remember, if the airline cancels your flight, the Department of Transportation says you qualify for a refund. No questions asked. (Michelle Couch-Friedman, Consumer Rescue)

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Michelle Couch-Friedman

Michelle Couch-Friedman is the founder and CEO of Consumer Rescue. She is a consumer advocate, reporter, travel writer, mediator, and licensed psychotherapist. Michelle is also the travel ombudsman columnist for The Points Guy, a contributing author at Fodor's Travel and is the former executive director of the nonprofit Elliott Advocacy. During her six years managing that organization, she resolved thousands of cases for troubled travelers and other consumers. You can read hundreds of 5-star reviews Michelle earned during her service to the nonprofit on Great Nonprofits. Michelle is a public speaker, and her expert guidance has been cited in the Washington Post, MarketWatch, Consumer Reports, Travel & Leisure, the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Popular Science, CNN, CNBC, Boston Globe, CBS News, National Geographic, Travel Weekly, Reader's Digest and more. You might even catch Michelle on TV reporting on a situation. :) Professionally, Michelle is a member of the Society of American Travel Writers (SATW) and the American Society of Journalists and Authors (asja). Today, she continues to spend as much time as possible fiercely defending consumers and traveling the world with her family. Contact her at Michelle Couch-Friedman or on Linkedin, Twitter or Facebook.
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George Schulman

Good work, Michelle.

I’ve actually flown from JFK to LGA, landing at LGA after it closed and was this without baggage handlers, taxis, etc.

I’ve also had two instances where British Airways scheduled us on connecting flights through LHR where our connecting flight was scheduled to leave more than an hour before our arriving flight. That’s without considering the time it may take to change terminals or gates at LHR. BA had no explanation; I simply presume they bought their computers used from Southwest. And we had one connecting flight on BA which landed at London City Airport (in the East End); the departing flight was at LHR, and BA would not check our baggage through, the sort of issue Michael faced.

Michelle Couch-Friedman

🙂 Thanks, George.

That transfer is certainly not something I would recommend anyone schedule for themselves when there are plenty of better alternatives. The rate wasn’t even great to begin with so this strange alteration just made it completely unappealing!


Michelle to the rescue again! Wow, this should have been a no brainer for the airline, but they dropped the ball big time!


American Airlines JUST did something similar to me today. Since August of 2022, I’ve had a trip from NYC to Athens booked for May 2023. The flight was scheduled to land at 4:55 PM, enabling me to catch the only shuttle back home that day (I live 2.5 hours from the airport). Today, they changed my flight home and now it won’t arrive in NY until 7:53 PM, meaning I have no ride back home that night. I was also told that because the landing time change was less than 4 hours, I’m out of luck. Additionally, they don’t have a flight available that will get me back to NY on time.
I should mention that this is the second itinerary change for my flights. In November, the itinerary change made my connecting flights in Greece impossible, so I had to completely change my itinerary (and lost $300 on a room that was not refundable). I can’t believe an airline can make changes like this and expect me to just eat the ticket cost.

Michelle Couch-Friedman

Hi Betsy, The four hours is written into the policy, but AA has a flexibility to let a customer cancel or reschedule when the flight is less than four hours. Are you hoping to cancel the trip because of the return flight’s schedule change?


I am. The rep I spoke to said the other flights that coincide with my non-refundable hotel dates are full, so they can’t get me there and back on my current timetable. They did offer a credit, but that doesn’t help me get to Greece for the vacation I’ve already paid for. Technically I can still get to Greece but trying to get home after I land at this later time will be difficult. I can’t afford to book another airline without getting the money back for this ticket.

I emailed them using a “complaint” link on their website and explained the issue, emphasizing that now instead of getting home by 8:30 PM at the latest, I either won’t be home until after 1 AM (if I’m lucky) or I’ll have to pay for a hotel overnight in NYC to take the next day’s evening shuttle. I’m hoping they accommodate my request.

Michelle Couch-Friedman

Well, I think an argument can be made that because this is the second itinerary change you should be able to cancel for a refund (I assume in total your schedule has been adjusted by more than 5 hours in total). If you need direct assistance making this argument to AA, you can fill out this form and I will be happy to reach out to our AA executive contact on your behalf: https://consumrerescue.org/gethelp/


Thank you! I’ll wait to see what their response is to my email, but if I need assistance I will definitely complete the form.


Hi Michelle,
I had a question regarding AA. My friend booked a non refundable flight and I am a plus size individual who needs a seatbelt extender. Whenever I travel with Delta, I dont have to pay for an extra seat. But i was reading online and with AA I do have to pay extra. Is there anyway I can cancel and get a refund? Ive been reading online and a lot of plus size customers have experienced negative moments with AA. They also rescheduled our flight time by 50 minutes.

Michelle Couch-Friedman

Hi KD, the rescheduled flight time won’t qualify you for a refund, I’m afraid.

I’m not aware of American Airlines forcing passengers to buy an extra seat if they need a seatbelt extender. But if you need to lift the armrest to sit in the seat comfortably I think you may be required to buy an extra seat IF no extra seat is available. If you would like to me look more carefully at the details of your situation privately you can email me at [email protected].


I just noticed this morning that AA changed our departure airport. This is for a trip in October. Originally departing from Santa Rosa but changed to SFO. Do we have any options?

Michelle Couch-Friedman

HI Janet,

You aren’t under any obligation to fly out of a different airport. If you wish to cancel for a full refund you should be able to do that.


Ugh. American Airlines JUST did this to me. I received an email about a change to my trip, which happens frequently with small time changes. I ONLY went onto the website to pay to upgrade my seats when I realized they changed my departure city from GSO to CLT. The departure times were essentially the same, but I have already paid for a rental car that is to be returned to GSO. The airports are 100 miles apart from each other. Do you think they will either give me a full refund or in the alternative, put me on different flights? Thank you!

Michelle Couch-Friedman

Oh my goodness. You are absolutely under no obligation to take a schedule change that involves a new departure city. You absolutely can cancel for a refund if you like, but first you should call and ask if there is an alternative option. Sometimes computer bots change flights and they are at times, not logical. Let me know if you have any problem fixing this. I think it should be easily corrected with a phone call.


Thankfully they changed it and I had great customer service. 🙂

Jeff Mueller

I can provide more details if needed, but let’s suppose AA makes a change to my itinerary that qualifies me for a refund. Would this refund apply to the insurance that was purchased as an add-on to the ticket (not purchased separately)? I did book a refundable fight to begin with. I am considering changing my return flight, but when I try to, the website tells me my flight is currently being rescheduled (it does not say whether it is the departing flight, return, or both) so I cannot currently make changes. So I’m wondering, if I do not like the change and it qualifies for a refund, will they also refund the insurance they sold me?