Why did the bank reverse this credit card dispute?

Help! My credit card company reversed my $16,544 dispute a year later

Your bank can’t reverse a successful credit card dispute nearly a year after confirming a positive resolution. So why did Nusenda backtrack and surprise this customer with a $16,544 recharge long after his dispute was finalized?

That’s what the Consumer Rescue team aimed to find out after this unusual request for help hit our inbox.

Royal Caribbean canceled these cruise ship passengers trip. What went wrong?

Royal Caribbean canceled our cruise at the pier. Why did this happen?

Cruise passengers beware: Royal Caribbean will cancel your cruise if you have any unpaid balance after your contract’s due date. That’s true even if the balance you owe is small. One unaware couple learned this costly lesson at the pier when the cruise line blocked their attempt to board Navigator of the Seas.

Not only did the stunned couple miss their much-anticipated cruise to Mexico, but Royal Caribbean kept their $842 deposit, too.

A passport mistake caused this solo traveler's vacation to end abruptly in a Mexican jail, A solo female traveler ended up in a detention center in Mexico City.

How did my vacation dreams end with me in a Mexican jail nightmare?

If you arrive in a foreign country without a valid passport in your hand, you’re going back home. That’s guaranteed. But sometimes, that’s not all that happens, unfortunately. Here’s how a simple passport mistake landed one female solo traveler with vacation dreams in a Mexican jail nightmare.

Here’s her story.

Vacation rental problems, How to fight fake smoking charges

Falsely accused of smoking in your vacation rental? Here’s what to do

If you don’t smoke, I’m pretty sure you don’t pack cigarettes, marijuana, or a crack pipe when you go on vacation. Life-long nonsmoker Jason Gladden certainly didn’t bring any of that when he recently took his family to a baseball tournament. However, that didn’t stop his vacation rental host from charging the stunned dad a $250 smoking fee. 

But the surprises didn’t stop there.